What Do They Have That I Don’t?

I said this to myself when I was a sophomore in college. Practically every guy I knew in college was a Business major. It seemed to be really popular. 

One evening, after I got home from one of many fraternity parties I attended as a co-ed, I remember asking myself this question specifically. At the time, I didn’t know what one studied in Business, but if the people who overindulged in beer drinking weekend after weekend could grasp it, was there any reason I couldn’t either? 

Surely these guys couldn’t be smarter than me, especially given the really dumb weekend antics I’d witnessed them participate in.

Researching the catalogue of classes, I discovered Business 101, an Introduction to Business course, and registered for it.

The following semester I took Business 102. I absolutely loved studying Business and learning its various disciplines, the order of things, the processes involved, the systematic way of operating and managing an enterprise. It was amazing!

I still apply these lessons I learned early on in college when I help people find the confidence to take the leap and invest in the right franchise. 

Right now I’m working with someone evaluating a great service-based franchise.  The last time Todd and I spoke, I sensed that he was experiencing fear about moving ahead with the franchise even though he had researched and evaluated the opportunity in depth over the past 60 days. 

Todd had interviewed a number of the current existing franchisees, and eagerly related to me all the positive things he had learned. Yet, he was hesitant.  I asked, “What do the current, successful franchisees have that you don’t, Todd?”

He paused to think of an answer.  The obvious response was, “Nothing!” When I filled in the blank for him, he had no rebuttal. 

Are you thinking of owning a business?  What do business owners have that you don’t? Drive, motivation, goals, a quest for freedom and flexibility, the desire for control? I bet you have all of that in spades!

Are you ready to take the next step?

If you don’t know what franchises are about, or you simply need the confidence to take that next step toward your goals, send me a message or give me a call!

#business #entrepreneurship #franchises #careerchange