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What 2022 Taught Me

To learn, I first had to be ready to learn. When that condition was met, I started learning. 

From my sales coach, Eric Lofholm, I learned to build success into my day. The definition of success is written by each of us individually.  So whatever success is to you, you can build it into your day. It occurred to me that success results from the process.

The image I have in my mind of success is that of a factory. The big takeaway was that I have the ability to manufacture success. Like training for a marathon or hitting a sales goal, success comes from the actions that I do or don’t do on a daily basis. I love the Jim Rohn saying, “What is easy to do is also easy not to do.”

From Eric’s coaching, I developed both a written Morning and Evening Routine. They cover areas of my life that are meaningful to me - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Before going to bed, I track with a simple check mark those actions I did and mark over those things I didn’t do (but desired to do). The check marks show me where I was successful. The X’s show me areas needing focus or intention. I feel such power knowing I can and do produce success for myself each and every day.

I’m grateful to Eric for teaching me the lesson of building success into my day. As Buddha said, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”  To be a good teacher,  one must inspire others. It's not enough to just show and explain, one must also encourage students to follow their own interests and pursue knowledge on their own. 

When you are ready to learn what business is right for you, I’m available to be your teacher. Connect with me on LinkedIn.